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Diamond boy 22232

A member registered Nov 27, 2020

Recent community posts

I need a link of week 7 without lag and for school Chromebooks

I drink milk today

666 it gets blocked by text and then the text goes away at 669

are all Among Us

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... And my arm... even my fingers... The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past!

people have to show some respect for his game by posting comments

none of this information helps at all

Here Comes ak room

yeah so any ideas of where to put the AK room

if the dev adds the secret AKA room or the April Fool's joke of if you close your eyes then I will reveal my face on this comment section

make sure you add the secret room inside of a room that no one goes in

maybe you could add the secret room inside a useless room in any map

if klopity ads in the secret room or the April Fool's joke I will reveal my face on this comment section!!!!!!

and in my writing all these comments in my school  yes

at this point you might as well just put in a development log that just says no no crewmates  mode

omg I scroll down to see the other comments and all I see is just add crewmate mode

and no I did not just posted that comment because I saw you reply okay

actually nevermind you can add the secret room and the April Fool's joke because this is your game it's your choice because it's your game so you can add it if you want to just scratch that post from 40 minutes ago okay it's your game ok

ya don't mind me just ruining my entire memes only slide just to put your username on to every single page

you're welcome

no it's actually scratch both of those responses for other stuff to be in the game because I already said stop asking for for crewmate mode so whatever you do just don't add the April Fool's joke or the secret room

it's way too overpowered with the speed of that zero and you called light and  reactor right after lights

plus also can you make it on April Fool's Day the game will be like down for just a day and it's just going to be text called but if you close your eyes

might as well add in that little AK joke

I feel like you should add a secret room that contains a ak47

but seriously you have to stop asking for him to add crewmate

you know he said maybe crewmate mode so the answer is no so stop asking Plus at least I'm on someone's side


omg for some reason I can't get into the game  is he updating the game weight that makes no sense

well not the map the update

please tell me when does the new map come

when is this coming out

spam space to fly and hold w and a to chase tail

it took me three days to beat this game I'm losing my sanity I can finally sleep now